Our school is based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s groundbreaking work with children. Montessori has been widely adopted throughout the world. The Science Behind the Genius is a recent book that details her method and how they confirm the latest ideas in child learning and brain development. You may be surprised to learn there are many famous Montessori graduates. The founders of Google both give credit to their experiences at their Elementary Montessori school as being the inspiration for Google.
The Montessori approach to the development and education of a child recognizes that all children have a natural drive that inspires them to reach their potential. Their minds are like fertile fields, and their inherent love of learning is stimulated when they are given opportunities to engage in meaningful activities with the proper balance of autonomy and guidance from specially trained teachers.
Montessori children develop skills of concentration, motivation and self-discipline. Within this framework, each child progresses at his own pace and rhythm, according to his individual capabilities, and is inspired to learn with wonder and confidence. Our school bears witness to the viability and brilliance of this educational approach.
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